A Bowl Of Productions! A Bowl Of Entertainment! A Bowl Of Videos! A Bowl Of whatever the hell else we want to fill it with! We're a group of amateur artists, filmmakers, photographers, painters, writers and poets. We have a passion for the arts and all the different ways that can be expressed.
The idea behind A Bowl Of is to create a space that we can showcase our passions, whatever they may be. A Bowl Of is growing. A Bowl Of is changing. We use this space to show not only the finished versions of our work, but allow you to follow our journey as artists. And without further adieu, here's the team behind A Bowl Of...
A Bowl Of Mystery
The Survivor Chronicles - 2012
The most interesting man in the world. Well at least in A Bowl Of. A founding member and creative force behind any of the content you like. The content you hate belongs to the rest of the members of A Bowl Of. His passion for the creative arts drives him to dabble in all aspects of the process. From being in front of the camera. To behind the scenes work. His love for film making began in junior high where it then evolved into a love for theater. All through high school he was glued to the stage, lights, and sound. Haile hopes you enjoy his works of genius and apologizes for the crap the other guys in A Bowl Of make. Stay creative my friends!
What is there to say about Sev that hasn't already been said about pizza? Everyone's favorite. Just amazing, really. As close to perfection as humans can create. With maybe some extra cheese and pepperoni. Is anybody else hungry?
In "When Doves Cry" by Prince, I always wonder about the line, "maybe you're just like my father, too bold." Did he… https://t.co/JWFHynBQcR
RT @ashleyfahs: The #youknowme hashtag contains a lot of deeply powerful testimonials but it just kills me that every time somethin… https://t.co/8ubgkOMWKw
Zombie apocalypse team all-stars right here. https://t.co/ahqTGK9SG4
Remember the time Captain Marvel @brielarson and Superman @BrandonJRouth joined forces to create the indie super gr… https://t.co/o5r5kBvVXt
The Survivor Chronicles - 2012
Webster’s dictionary defines “Aaron” as “the most attractive and talented member of A Bowl Of”. While no one can disagree with this assessment, it should be noted that this fails to encompass what Aaron truly is. As a founding member of abowlof, Aaron is pretty much just like George Washington, only better. George Washington had stupid hair. Aaron is dapper and daring. He can leap several small objects in a single bound. He can hold his breath for over 2 minutes. He has personally kissed over 4 women, and depending on when you read this, may or may not have successfully completed his bid to hostilely take over several small island countries for his own personal amusement. Long story short. Aaron is fucking great.
Check out his latest tweet! I bet it's amazing:
RT @Katchin05: I’ve been pressing my friends about this: use your sick AND vacation days if you have them. Call out of work. Capit… https://t.co/U12QxCROis
NAME “AKA” - Alpha Supreme
FACTION - Autobot
FUNCTION - Chief Intelligence Officer
QUOTE - “The best art is made from death”
Alpha Supreme spends most of his time hunting down and decimating Decepticons across the galaxies. Wielding twin ion cannons and an energon sword make him a nightmare for Megatron’s forces. His sarcastic wit and cunning strategy makes him a great leader and asset to the Autobot cause and peace everywhere. He longs for the war to be over so he can focus on his true passion of filmmaking and music production. He can also be kind of nerdy. Regards his ally Haile as a liar.
RT @Katchin05: I’ve been pressing my friends about this: use your sick AND vacation days if you have them. Call out of work. Capit… https://t.co/U12QxCROis
Tarnel takes pictures.
A Bowl Of Gratitude
We could never have finished any of our projects or even gotten anything off the ground without the help and support of amazing friends and family, and lots of new friends along the way. Working long hours, for free, with little reward beyond some pizza and maybe a sandwich is a lot to ask, and we can not thank enough anyone and everyone who's helped us in any way along the way. Some regular contributors have been around more than others, and have earned a special thanks from us, and we recognize you here as part of the A Bowl Of Family:
Dream Girl Shoot 2011 - Las Vegas, NV
Joey Molina
Joey has been there for us and gone so far above and beyond anything we could have hoped it's been awesome. You'll find him in most of the A Bowl Of projects, and his enthusiasm and professionalism have helped define A Bowl Of. He can also fuckin throw down on some Journey karaoke.
Catie (Guerin) Cannon
Catie is scary but also a whole lot of awesome. She's helped keep us on track and organized and kept productions flowing smoothly. You won't see her on camera much, but she's been a vital, crucial, and amazing part of the puzzle.
She doesn't look scary. She will straight murder you.
The Q is silent
Nikki Qnhikohle
A Bowl Of's #1 fan and all around bundle of amazingness. She's been sounding board and a voice of reason since the beginning. (The real beginning, not this new rebeginning (that's also definitely a word)). She's lied to us lots of time telling us our stuff was great when it clearly wasn't, and for that, we thank you. Also she designed the site's logo for us with is seriously fucking awesome. She can also bench press the shit out of you.
Rosalie Celestial
Rosalie is pretty super awesome as well, and has been a major support beam for us along the way, ever since we were A Bowl Of Nothing. You'll find her on screen in lots of the flashback projects, but she also contributes guidance and feedback that's helped shape almost all of our work. (Picture is unrelated)
She's not Chinese!