2014 Official Top 35(+7) List
The draft is complete. You can watch or re-watch the insanity that was our draft process through the convenient links in this next sentence. Picks 1-7 were the first round, 8-14 were the second, 15-21 were the third, 22-28 were the fourth, and 29-35 completed the draft with the fifth round. Wondering who some of those names picked in the draft were? Mostly just Tarnel's? Well, we googled them for you. So if you're curious, feel free to click on the names below. And now, without further ado, here is the official 2014 A Bowl Of Top 35 Celebrity Women(Plus Seven) list:
And then the plus seven. Honorable mentions, if you will.
Well, um... wow. Prince. How did that happen? So there you go. The definitive hot list for 2014. These are, without a doubt, the 35 hottest chicks in the world for 2014(plus seven). There is no arguing. However, the guys did argue about who among them had the best list. So the question is, who did have the best list? Here is each individual Top 5(+1) list:
So, we leave the debate to you. Feel free to comment below and let us know who you think "won" the draft. We look forward to hearing from you, and until the next draft, this is Rod Johnson, signing off.